What is a home? Is it just where you lay your head to sleep? Perhaps. But I feel a little differently. I finally feel at home after 6 years of not. I don't know, I just never felt completely settled in either of my apartments. Don't get me wrong, I liked them and all...they just weren't "home". I just feel like "home" is more than a place to hang your coat at the end of the day. Home is somewhere that all parts of your being become united. Today, I mowed the grass (doesn't sound too exciting, right?). I have not mowed in over 6 years and for some reason it was really satisfying to see the results of my labor. After mowing, I picked some wild black raspberries....mmm mmm. Then I made black raspberry chocolate chip oatmeal bars...delicious! It is so peaceful out here. Just walking from the house to the garage is a treat. I am very excited to finish the indoor organizing and start on the outdoors. I have ideas in mind!! I am looking forward to shooting ...