Grandpa's Girl
I was always Grandpa's girl. If there was a lap that I most enjoyed sitting on as a little girl, it was his. If there was someones hair that I enjoyed playing with most, it was his. If there was someone who I loved to sit by during UNO , it was him. I believe Grandpa truly lived every minute of his 92 years. He lived with integrity. He was generous with his love, his knowledge and time. He treated others with respect. He was welcoming and warm and thrived on sharing stories. His laughter could break down any barrier. His memory and attention to detail were more advanced than anyone I've ever known. The way that he loved Grandma was amazing. Their marriage of 66 years, never lost it's passion. He would greet her with big kisses in the morning, something that I was fortunate enough to witness over this past year. He was so patient and strong, even when things were difficult. Over the past year or so, his "I love you" turned into "I love you so much" follo...