Practical tips for positive thinking!
People say that I am a positive person. It's not that I don't think negative thoughts, it's just that I have developed some "checkpoints" so that my thoughts don't become my words or actions. I am successful at this at least some of the time. The first checkpoint is to be aware of your thoughts. I try to change negative thoughts at the moment I think them. Example: The other day I took an ice tray out of the freezer and there were ice cubes that I could tell just started to form. The ice cubes in the tray underneath were ready. I thought "why did my husband not put the ready cube tray on top." I stopped myself right there and thought "hey, I am thankful he filled the tray!" We think "why don't they do it how I want them to or in the way I would do it?" We all do this multiple times a day in varying degrees. Another example: I see another mother handling a situation in a way that is different than I would...