
Showing posts from April, 2013

Practical tips for positive thinking!

People say that I am a positive person.  It's not that I don't think negative thoughts, it's just that I have developed some "checkpoints" so that my thoughts don't become my words or actions. I am successful at this at least some of the time. The first checkpoint is to be aware of your thoughts.  I try to change negative thoughts at the moment I think them. Example: The other day I took an ice tray out of the freezer and there were ice cubes that I could tell just started to form.  The ice cubes in the tray underneath were ready.  I thought "why did my husband not put the ready cube tray on top."  I stopped myself right there and thought "hey, I am thankful he filled the tray!" We think "why don't they do it how I want them to or in the way I would do it?"  We all do this multiple times a day in varying degrees. Another example: I see another mother handling a situation in a way that is different than I would...

You never fully arrive!

We've heard time and time again that it is the journey that counts and not the destination. I always thought "yeah, yeah I get it."  But the other day I REALLY thought about what it meant.  I was driving home from work and thinking a lot about life, which is a usual occurrence.  I have an amazing husband and daughter and I am so grateful for them. But what would it have been like if, lets say, at 15 years old someone told me, "you are going to marry this person on this day and you will have this many children and you will live in this house...." etc. That may have sounded great when I was 15 because I didn't enjoy getting my heart broken over and over, I didn't like being an awkward teenager, I didn't like my moms rules and I didn't like stumbling. But through all that I learned about myself. I learned which qualities I admired in others. I learned that what I do and think does affect the outcome. I know now that every trial ...