We often hesitate starting towards our dreams because we can't imagine how we could possibly attain them. We get stuck. We make excuses. The key to keeping your dreams alive is to believe in them and start building the path with small steps. Dream big, start small. If you dream of being a rock star- sing, dance, put on a mini-concert for one or two people, then a larger group. Maybe you dream of a different job...you are working at a desk yet dreaming about being a full-time artist. Make art when you can, engage in conversations with other artists, show your work online, have a gallery showing in your house. Maybe you dream about going on vacation, but feel like you just can't afford it. Put a date on the calendar a couple years out. Make a jar that says "vacation fund." Add money to the jar instead of buying that latte, candy bar, ipod tune, outfit. Maybe you dream of being peaceful but currently feel overwhelmed. ...