Sometimes I am strong, sometimes I'm not Sometimes I cry when I'm happy, and sometimes when I am sad Sometimes I love the questions, and sometimes they drive me nuts Sometimes I have the answers, and sometimes I don't Life is very Yin and Yang right now. So many happy- good things happening, and a few things happening with no solid answers. It is the way life goes and I am a firm believer that when something is going not the way I'd hoped, that means I need to have a heightened awareness. My Grandparents are getting older and having some difficulty and I find myself noticing more about them and the way they have lived and loved. My family and I got together last night to discuss all that is going on. I am very thankful that I have such a wonderful, supportive family, who are all willing to take action and help out. This picture is an old one but I thought it applied to what I have been feeling! One of my favorite quotes! I beg you…to have patience with everything unreso...