
Showing posts from February, 2014

Emotionally mixed

Four and a half years ago my husband and I were newlyweds living in an apartment and we had big dreams which included having a home based business for him and raising a family. My mom was living in a big house alone with more indoor and outdoor chores than one person could handle. We decided to move in with my mom. We started planning for our future and we were able to lessen the burden of chores for my mom. Next weekend she moves to her own place and we take on the house. This all comes with very mixed emotions.  It has been great to have my mother, who really is one of my best friends, right there to answer all those questions that every new mother has.  She has always been one of my best cheerleaders.   It has been such a blessing for my first daughter to grow up living with grandma the first couple years. We've shared meals and chores but most of all we have shared love and our lives for four and a half years. I am excited to raise my little ...

Mother of 2

I have learned so much already and still have plenty to learn.  I have a new appreciation for mothers of more than one child and a soft spot for mothers of one that have anxiety about having another. For myself, I did not expect to experience so much joy, at least not this early on.  I didn't think teaching my toddler about the baby would be so satisfying.  I thought I would feel lonely and depressed like I did the first time around, wasn't thinking that my toddler would be my daily entertainment and companion. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to give my baby the same attention that I gave my first.  I don't give the same attention, but that's okay this baby is going to be loved, entertained and taught, not only by her parents but her big sister too.  I realize it's okay to not hold the baby all day.  I realize we all have to have quite a bit of patience.  Sometimes the baby has to wait because the toddler needs a meal prepared or to use the...